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 <<O>>  Difference Topic EgoWikiQuickGuide (r1.3 - 23 Jan 2004 - ArakoN)

 <<O>>  Difference Topic EgoWikiQuickGuide (r1.2 - 23 Jan 2004 - SpyroVII)


Giving Credit Where it is Due



Using Topics


The Purpose of the Sandbox

Let's go ahead and say that you've figured out how to do something in this wiki but you can't do it without fiddling around with a wiki page. Instead of opening a temporary test page in some category or another, what you should do is go to the SandBox and use one of the topics in there to play with or just to start your own. As a matter of fact, I highly recommend playing in there to get the hang of how things are supposed to work before starting anywhere else. this is especially true if you're new to this whole wiki concept, but a refresher course in wiki editing for those who already know probably wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Important Stuff About this Wiki

Now for a few things that are EgoWiki specific. First of all, when you enter each section look for signs of previous life. Meaning, don't add anything unless you see stuff has already been added. Basically what you want to look for when you enter one of the webs is a template wiki that you copy and paste to create your topic. Unless a web is for documentation, then there will always be an object template somewhere on the first page of the wiki.

Also, when you join the Wiki, then please post to the forum and I'll add you to the proper group so that you'll be able to access everything. There are two primary groups, the contributers (members that are trusted, not just any guest) and the administrators (contributers with access to the settings). In the future, there will probably be more groups added but for now this is good enough.

Required Reading

Before I let you go I'd like to point you to some documentation that you should definitely read or skim before you do anything in these pages. GoodStyle, has a lot of good things to know about editing a wiki, and it also linkes to WikiName, WikiWords, and TWikiShorthand. All of which are definitely required reading before you enter the wiki and start doing damage. If you have a lot of time on your hands, and you really want to know about how this thing works then check out the TWiki web and read all of the documentation that is available for a twiki-based site.

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%META:TOPICMOVED{by="SpyroVII" date="1074863989" from="Main.EgoWikiGuide" to="Main.EgoWikiQuickGuide"}%

 <<O>>  Difference Topic EgoWikiQuickGuide (r1.1 - 23 Jan 2004 - SpyroVII)

%META:TOPICINFO{author="SpyroVII" date="1074858540" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% I'd like to start out by thanking them for creating such a powerful platform for collaborative development. I'd also like to thank Ward Cunningham, creator of the first wiki, because without either of them and their contributions I probably would have had to code everything from scratch.

Hi and welcome to the EgoWiki, which is going to be the collaborative platform that propels Egoboo up to new heights. Well, atleast it should make it easier for people to get started in the game, for me to keep track of objects, and for users to grab modules. Given all of that, I'm thinking that this is going to make a pretty awesome tool for the community. But before it does that you need to learn how to use it right? I figured as much. Of course you could always read the docs that the people at TWiki fashioned, but those are a lot of reading if the only thing that you're trying to do is add an object, so here I've created a nice quick and to the point guide for editing objects/modules/etc.

OK, now that I'm finished with the introduction, it's time to start with the basics of the EgoWiki. You won't get very far if you don't know how to create a topic, so we'll start with editing. To edit a topic (if you're logged in and you have the proper permissions to do so) just scroll to the bottom of the page and click edit, make the changes that you want, preview changes, and save changes. All you have to do to create a topic is to add WordsLikeThisTo a page, save your changes, and then click that little question mark that appears next to your words. (For more info see TWikiTopics)

-- SpyroVII - 23 Jan 2004

Topic EgoWikiQuickGuide . { View | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 | More }
Revision r1.1 - 23 Jan 2004 - 11:49 GMT - SpyroVII
Revision r1.3 - 23 Jan 2004 - 17:13 GMT - ArakoN
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