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Starting An Character

Egoboo has nine diffrent types of characters you can choose from. Each has it's own abilities and weaknesses. They all advance diffrent ways, as described in TheClasses. Soldiers get better fighting skills, while Wizards gets better and more powerful spells.To begin play as a new character, simply choose one of the Starter modules. Each character class has its own Starter module to get you used to that character's style of play. When you beat a module, your character and his or her inventories are automatically saved. Hidden modules may also become playable. It is recommended that you play the Adventurer Starter the first time you play.

-- ZefZ - 23 Jan 2004

Topic CreateAnCharacter . { View | Diffs | r1.1 | More }
Revision -
Revision r1.1 - 23 Jan 2004 - 19:41 GMT - ZefZ
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