| |
Mimic: Watch out! That treasure chest has teeth! A
mimic impersonates normally benign dungeon furniture as it lies in wait of
it's favorite meal... Heroes. |
Minotore: It runs through mazes and underground tunnels,
guarding it's treasure. Often, the Minotore's treasure is a maiden
in distress. Whenever you come upon tight, mazelike corridors, be on
the lookout for the Minotore. |
Mosquito: The mosquito is hot for your blood. Once
gorged, the mosquito is mostly harmless, but watch out for that first
bite. |
Mouse: The mouse makes an excellent mount. It's speedy
rate of travel makes the miles go by quickly. |
Necromancer: An evil caster of spells. Beware the
necromancer. |
[ ABC ] [ DEF ] [ GHI ] [ JKL ] [ MNO ] [ PQR ] [ ST ] [ UVW ] [ XYZ ]