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Penguin: The noble Penguin lives in isolated communities. He poses no threat, but can be quite creative and
innovative in his own little way. If attacked, he will bite back
viciously. He can be your best friend, or your enemy (depending on
what OS you're playing Egoboo on). |
Pit Cobra: Pray that you don't fall into a nest of these
critters. The Pit Cobra has a deadly poisonous bite and tends to be
found in large groups. |
Rust Eater: The bane of Knights everywhere, the Rust Eater can
destroy metal armor and weapons in seconds. It's corrosive juices
instantly turn all metals into easily digestible rust. It is best to
attack the Rust Eater with wooden clubs and leather armor. |
[ ABC ] [ DEF ] [ GHI ] [ JKL ] [ MNO ] [ PQR ] [ ST ] [ UVW ] [ XYZ ]